Dulsco Qatar Environmental Awareness
Friday, June 5, 2020
The earlier the good habits are ingrained, the easier it is to make it a lifestyle, and the first step to teaching a child about recycling is by making it a fun experience. Dulsco Qatar conducted a recycling awareness workshop at Apple Tree Nursery at both their Al Waab & Aspire Campus here in Doha recently.
The nursery students were given high visibility vests and safety helmets to dress the part as a simplified, fun lesson on recycling was explained to them,. In addition to that, practical lessons on how to segregate waste using coloured coded waste bins were conducted.
To Further engage their attention, general waste was compacted on-site and the students were given the opportunity to see the inside of a Dulsco Truck.
The little ones were very delighted with rare chance to beep a truck’s horn.